When Robert John Hicken was 14 years old in the Heber Valley, he started working in the masonry contracting business. He “carried mud” for several different companies and it was hard work, but Robert’s family had long been in the farming and ranching business and hard work was the norm for the youngster.
Nearly 20 years later, Robert Hicken is still working hard in the stone and masonry business. He no longer is the young man “carrying mud.” Now he is the proprietor of several significant, sizeable businesses serving the rock and stone needs of customers all over the country.
He started the company in 1988 and Paul Ballif joined Robert in 1993. The company started behind his grandfather’s corral, east of Heber. This was a piece of property that was not being farmed and was a great place for the fledgling company to become established. Soon, the Central Utah Water Project needed that land and property was soon found that would accommodate the company and the expected expansion.
Paul studied architecture in his under-graduate college experience and gained work-related experience in concrete forming and placement as well as in residential construction. Business grew very rapidly and five years after joining the startup, Paul became a shareholder in the business.
RJ Enterprises soon became the parent company for two organizations that would expand the capabilities, products and services for the stone construction trade. Mountain Valley Stone operates out of Brown’s Canyon in Summit County and quarries blond sandstone. Delta Stone Products is a retail stone yard and architectural stone cutting operation in Heber City serving customers, owners and architects worldwide. RJ Enterprises continues to operate as a stone masonry contractor with a reputation for quality and fine craftsmanship. We pride ourselves in the culture we have cultivated over the past 20 years. Click below to learn more about our culture.
We are committed to exceeding the expectations of our clients with passionate service and quality products provided by an honest team of confident, energetic and determined professionals who embrace challenges as opportunities for development and growth.
We are committed, compassionate, dependable, grateful, honest, industrious,
innovative, respectful, sincere, and united.
We are dedicated to providing a positive experience and will persist without exception.
We care about the welfare of others.
You can rely on us to be consistent and follow through to the end.
We value and appreciate our past, present, and future business relationships.
Hard work is what we know.
We are forward thinking and encourage a culture of innovation.
We genuinely care for those with whom we work and serve them with purpose.
We are genuine in all we do.
Our diversity amplifies our synergy.
RJ Masonry, Inc. strives for a reputation of the highest standard of quality. This is made possible by our uncompromising commitment to the needs of our clients. In sustaining this relationship we require an equivalent commitment by our employees, which is in excess of the industry standard. The following has been compiled to inform every party privy to our projects the standards we expect during the course of construction.
It is expected that all parties will exhibit honest, ethical and moral behavior and display respect for other individuals and property.
All employees are expected to make every effort to work safely and maintain a safe work environment.
Be honest in all daily transactions. Keep honest and accurate time cards, delivery orders, POs, work orders, etc. and turn in daily.
Submit an honest and accurate daily progress report of work completed each day.
Protect and respect the work of others. Be responsible for the damage you cause by reporting directly to your supervisor and the trade that has been affected and resolve it. Fill out an accident/incident report.
Always use approved OSHA/MSHA safety practices, (wearing safety glasses, hard hats, safety vests, and other PPE required). During construction, notify your supervisor, the site manager and other trade contractors of hazardous conditions that may not be general knowledge (holes in floors, live electrical circuits and wires, etc.) Report all hazardous conditions immediately to your supervisor.
Receive, handle, store and use all materials in such a way that waste is minimized.
Plan ahead so you have all necessary tools, equipment and materials to complete your work efficiently and within the expectations of the site foreman's requirements for quality and timeliness.
Keep work areas and job site clean. Do not throw personal garbage in jobsite/company dumpster. Dispose of garbage (waste materials, lunch bags, etc.) properly in waste containers.
If there is a problem on the job site with the construction process, structural or mechanical locations, talk to your supervisor and the trade contractor affected, correlate a resolution and then speak specifically to the site foreman about the resolution.
Be considerate of the space requirements of other trade contractor's work.
If you are scheduled to be on the job at a specific day and time, be there. If circumstances prevent you from keeping your commitment, contact your supervisor. Communication is critical; be considerate and responsible.
Do not urinate or defecate outdoors or in a building under construction. Use the outhouse.
Do not cut any structural members without the permission of your supervisor.
Do not engage in loud, off-color joke telling, cat calling or profanity. Many times this is within ear shot of clients and/or neighbors and is unacceptable on their property.
Do not view or exchange pornographic material on company devices, company property, and/or jobsites.
Ask your supervisor before borrowing any tools. If you receive permission, please return the tool in its case in good condition.
Horseplay is not acceptable. Headphones are not allowed.
Personal use of phones, internet, and electronic devices is discouraged during work hours. This includes all social media, texting, e-mail, etc. Any personal use of company devices after hours must be approved by your supervisor.
Do not text or e-mail while driving.
Do not remove any materials (scrap included) from the job site or company property without the permission of your supervisor.
Moonlighting is a violation of the RJ Honor Code. "Moonlighting" takes place when you accept compensation for a job that competes with the work performed by RJ Masonry, Inc. and all related entities. If someone approaches you to do "moonlighting" work outside of your regular work hours, it must be approved by management.
It is expected that all RJ Masonry employees will provide the highest quality of customer service and act in a professional manner at all times. Employees are expressly forbidden from accepting tips or any type of gratuity (monetary or in-kind) offered to them as a result of work performed or services rendered as an employee of RJ Masonry. In the event that a tip or other form of compensation is received, employees must report these transactions to ownership.
Employees are prohibited from receiving commissions or referral fees from outside parties. Employees may not receive a fee, kickback, or anything of value for the referral of business.